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Paula Barbieri-Stewart

Pink Theme Bouquet


Our rosaries from flowers are what started us on our mission to build a business founded on faith, family, and the desire to share with others the healing power of the rosary.

"God gave us memories so that we may have roses in December."

J.M. Barrie


All of our custom, handmade jewelry is created from your memorable flowers. What a wonderful way to keep your memories close.  We like to say that each piece is "memory infused" to last a lifetime.

"Good memories are like charms...Each is special.  You collect them, one by one, until one day you look back and discover they make a long, colorful bracelet."

- James Patterson -

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By definition, a keepsake is a token of remembrance.  Each keepsake is custom made by hand using the flowers from your most intimate moments.  Our mission is to create an heirloom quality product that will last for generations.

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."

- Winnie the Pooh -

Prayer Beads

Our efforts to respect the diversity of individual prayer and spirituality has led to the development of our new "Prayer Beads" line of products.  We will continue to develop this multi-cultural prayer bead line of products, and welcome your feedback and/or personal requests as we educate ourselves on this new endeavor.

"The essence of all religions is one.  Only their approaches are different."

- Mahatma Ghandi -

Image by Rebecca Niver
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